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Planning Evaluation: Question 4

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

They really liked the concept and seemed to enjoy the video on the whole. They liked how the concept ran throughout our texts, and found it to be recognisable and appealing to them.

- changes you made based on early feedback

- saturation and lighting, made sure they were consistent throughout to the best of our ability.

- more transitions to make for a smoother video

- use of darker text on wall, used to be white but changed to black to make it less obvious and more eerie

- told to change font in order to suit the video and artist better

- feel these changes have really helped our video become the best it could be.

- comments on your music video from online viewings

- performance viewings

- target audience viewings (will be worth giving them questions)

Survey Monkey link here

- comments from friends and family

Ella: It was creepy, and suited the song with its creepy style.

Joe: It was good but there was a change in lighting at random parts.

Evie: I really loved this video - it was good because it covers a controversial topic.

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