Audience Feedback: Survey Results
When creating this question, we had in mind the kinds of artists that would suit our own. It is impressive to see that Halsey had the most votes, as it is her song we are creating a music video for. Lady Gaga was the least voted artist, and Lana Del Rey and Sia came joint second. This is interesting for us, as we expected Lana Del Rey to come a lot higher than Sia, due to the lack of visual and interactive content Sia porduces. However, we are happy that Halsey was the most popular, and that gives us confidence in our choices of artist and music video reactions.
It was shocking for us to see how an artist's name isn't particularly important for most. We were expecting to receive responses that declared the importance of a name and how it is the first glimpse you get of an artist and the kind of music they may produce. The meaning behind Halsey's name (integrating her own name and a childhood memory) means we are able to suggest her music may be more personal and reflective. From these responses we have decided that although meaning is important, the initial look and style of the name should be valued more.
We were expecting a divided vote within this question, however it seems an artist's depiction of themselves is more important than that of their music. It is nice to see that the responses allow us to present our artist in a way that is more interactive and personal for the audience: the music shouldn't be the main focus.
We are delighted to see that Duplicity gained the most votes. When deciding a name, we felt that Duplicity was the most visually attractive, as well as reflecting the message of having two sides and two personalities, a key theme in "Control". We will now begin to ask out of the three top names, Duplicity, Mania and Flicker.
When reading these answers, we decided that most people valued the sound of a name over the look and the meaning. We had to agree, as we felt that some names with a bigger message, such as Miss Mania, were less attractive than others such as Duplicity, where the message is more hidden and subtle.