Class Progress 16
In this lesson, I talked to my teacher about locations and were able to send both the emails and the letter of confirmation to each...
Class Progress 15
In this lesson I began to draft an email to two different locations, which I will be unable to send until we receive a letter of...
Genre Focus: Electropop
Since our chosen artist is titled under this genre, we decided to look further into it to get a good idea of what our audience would like...
Class Progress 14
In this lesson, as I was without my partner, I enquired to my teacher about our proof letter needed to contact particular location...
Music Video Analysis: Colors
This music video is a Narrative video that contains a heavy plot. It is the main focus of the video, with the lyrics putting emphasis on...
Genre Focus: Grime
This music genre is very new and only recently recognised. It is modern and upbeat, with each song usually consisting a rapper...
Digipak Analysis: ACDC
BLACK ICE - ACDC This Digipak follows a very specific style to the band, with the fonts and colours being representative of the artist...
Music Video Analysis: BTS (Narrative)
This is a continuation of my Artist Focus for BTS. I decided to analyse their Narrative videos also as we have decided to create a...