Genre Focus: Electropop
Since our chosen artist is titled under this genre, we decided to look further into it to get a good idea of what our audience would like...
Class Progress 14
In this lesson, as I was without my partner, I enquired to my teacher about our proof letter needed to contact particular location...
Music Video Analysis: Colors
This music video is a Narrative video that contains a heavy plot. It is the main focus of the video, with the lyrics putting emphasis on...
Genre Focus: Grime
This music genre is very new and only recently recognised. It is modern and upbeat, with each song usually consisting a rapper...
Digipak Analysis: ACDC
BLACK ICE - ACDC This Digipak follows a very specific style to the band, with the fonts and colours being representative of the artist...
Music Video Analysis: BTS (Narrative)
This is a continuation of my Artist Focus for BTS. I decided to analyse their Narrative videos also as we have decided to create a...
Music Video Analysis: Spring Day (Camera)
Here is my analysis of an extract of "Spring Day", focusing primarily on camera angles and their effect on the audience.
Class Progress 13
In this lesson we wrote posts together about locations, and talked to our teacher about writing us a covering letter to send to...
We have decided to set up a twitter, in order to extend our reach to hopefully create a larger audience from a number of different...